Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

General information

Life By You OÜ registration number 14362652, registered office address – Vana-papli tee 2, Lemmatsi Kambja vald, Tartumaa 61704 Estonia, (hereinafter referred to as the “Data Controller”), hereby establishes the conditions for the processing of personal data in the company managed by the Data Controller and when using the website (hereinafter referred to as the Website). The terms and conditions set out in the Privacy Policy apply to every visit to the Website, regardless of the device (computer, mobile phone, tablet, television, etc.) used.

It is very important that you read this Privacy Policy carefully because each time you visit the Website owned by the Data Controller, you agree to the terms and conditions described in this Privacy Policy.
By submitting his/her personal data (including data provided directly or indirectly by visiting the Website and using its services), the Data Subject consents and does not object to the Data Controller’s management and processing of such data for the purposes and in accordance with the purposes and procedures provided for in this Privacy Policy, the Data Subject’s consent and the legislation.
Persons under the age of 16 may not submit any personal data through the Data Controller’s Website. If you are a person under the age of 16, you must obtain the consent of your parents or other legal guardians before providing personal information.

Personal data

Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (Data Subject); an identifiable natural person is a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, a personal identification number, location data and an internet identifier.


A person representing Buyers, Data Controller Partners, Service Providers, Suppliers, both natural and legal persons.

Person applying

A natural person or Representative interested in the goods sold by the Data Controller or wishing to contact the Data Controller on other issues.


A natural person or a Representative who participates or intends to participate in competitions, promotions, games organised by the Data Controller. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, a Data Subject is a Representative, Applicant, Customer, Candidate, Partner, Service Provider, Supplier, Telephone Callers or any other natural person whose personal data is processed by the Data Controller.

Consent of the data subject

Any freely given, specific and unambiguous indication of the Data Subject’s free will, by means of a statement or unambiguous action, by a duly informed Data Subject, that he or she consents to the processing of personal data concerning him or her.


A person who participates or intends to participate in a recruitment exercise conducted by the Data Controller.


A natural person or an Agent who commissions design or construction work from the Data Controller or who has entered into a contract with the Data Controller to carry out construction work.


A natural or legal person who cooperates with the Data Controller, or has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Data Controller (e.g. for the sale of goods).

Service Provider

A natural or legal person who may offer or offers goods, services or works to the Data Controller and who cooperates with the Data Controller or who has entered into an agreement with the Data Controller for the sale of goods, services or works.


A natural person or an Agent who purchases goods from the Data Controller or who has entered into a contract with the Data Controller for the purchase of goods.

Phone caller

A person who calls a publicly available contact telephone number regarding the purchase of the Data Controller’s goods and/or other matters.


The natural or legal person supplying the goods to the Data Controller.

Direct marketing

The activity of offering goods or services to persons by post, telephone or other direct means and/or seeking their opinion on the goods or services offered.

Processing of personal data

Any operation or sequence of operations which is performed upon personal data or sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, sorting, organisation, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, access, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination with other data, restriction, erasure or destruction.

The Data Controller will collect personal data in accordance with the applicable requirements of the European Union and the Republic of Estonia legal acts and the instructions of the controlling authorities. All reasonable technical and administrative measures shall be in place to protect the data collected about Data Subjects against loss, unauthorised use and alteration.

This Privacy Policy has been drawn up in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as the “General Data Protection Regulation”), the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Estonia, and other legal acts of the European Union and the Republic of Estonia. The terms used in this Privacy Policy shall be understood as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation and the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Estonia.

What information do we collect about you?

Processing of personal data Consultations,
the printout of the execution of the request

Processing of personal data of persons contacting the Data Controller, including telephone callers, for the purpose of purchasing goods and/or other matters. The Data Controller shall process the following personal data of the Callers, including Telephone Callers:

The personal data of applicants are not passed on to third parties. Personal data for the purposes of consultation, enquiry and request are processed on the basis of the consent expressed by providing your data (Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

Processing of personal data for the purpose of designing and constructing tarpaulin sheds and selling goods

Processing of personal data of Customers and/or Purchasers. The Data Controller shall process the following personal data of Customers and/or Purchasers:

The Data is obtained directly from the Buyers in the performance of the contract with the Buyer and/or from other third parties who have a relationship with the Data Subject. We undertake not to transfer your personal data to any unrelated third parties, except in the following cases:

The Data Controller may provide the personal data of Customers and other Data Subjects to Data Processors not listed in this Policy who provide services (perform work) to the Data Controller and process the personal data of Customers and Data Subjects on behalf of the Data Controller (e.g., companies providing accounting services, companies providing IT services). Processors shall have the right to process personal data only on the instructions of the Data Controller and only to the extent necessary for the proper performance of their obligations under the contract. When using processors, the Data Controller shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the processors have implemented appropriate organisational and technical security measures and maintain the secrecy of personal data.

The processing of personal data is based on the Data Subject’s consent expressed by providing his/her data and/or the performance of a contract with the Data Subject (Article 6(1)(a) and (b) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

Processing of personal data for the purpose of performance of contracts with partners, service providers, suppliers

The Data Controller, in cooperation with Partners, Service Providers, Suppliers, processes such personal data of natural persons or Representatives:
The data is obtained directly from natural persons, Representatives, and/or represented persons. We undertake not to transfer your personal data to any unrelated third parties, except in the following cases:

The Data Controller may provide the personal data of natural persons, Representatives, to Data Processors not specified in this Privacy Policy who provide services (perform work) to the Data Controller and process the personal data of natural persons, Representatives, on behalf of the Data Controller (e.g., companies providing accounting services, companies providing IT services).

Personal data for the purpose of performance of contracts with Service Providers, Suppliers are processed on the basis of the performance of the contract and/or on the basis of the Data Controller’s legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(b) and (f) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

Processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes

The Data Controller aims to share only relevant news and other useful information with newsletter recipients. It does so in accordance with this Privacy Policy. For the purpose of direct marketing, the following personal data of Customers and other Data Subjects may be processed:

By sending a newsletter, the Data Controller may collect statistical data on the Data Subject’s behaviour in relation to the use and content of the newsletter (for example, whether the newsletter has been read, which links have been opened by the Data Subject).

The data subject’s email address. your email address may be used to serve advertising via Facebook, Google and other advertising platforms, tailoring advertising to your target audience. Personal data is obtained directly from Data Subjects. The Data Controller may only transfer personal data to third parties providing specialised services for the purpose of sending e-mails. emails tailored to the nature of the advertising you order through advertising platforms.

The personal data of customers and other Data Subjects shall be processed on the basis of the consent expressed by submitting their data and agreeing to the processing of personal data for the purpose of direct marketing, or on the basis of the Data Controller’s legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(a) and (f) of the General Data Protection Regulation and Article 69(2) of the Law of the Republic of Estonia on Electronic Communications, where the personal data is processed on the basis of the Data Controller’s legal interest).

Please be informed that the Data Subject has the right to object to or withdraw his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data for direct marketing purposes at any time, without providing any reasons for the objection, by sending an e-mail to. email:

Withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent carried out before the withdrawal of consent.

Processing of personal data for the purposes of organising games, promotions, competitions

The Data Controller may process personal data for the purposes of running games, promotions, competitions only with the consent of the Data Subject. The Data Controller may collect the following personal data from Participants:

Data is obtained directly from Data Subjects participating in games, promotions, competitions. By submitting their data, Entrants consent and authorise the Data Controller and persons selected by the Data Controller in its sole discretion to publish their names (or pseudonyms of the Data Subjects registered on social networks) and photographs as prize winners. The information may be made publicly available on the internet.

The processing of personal data is based on the consent expressed by providing your personal data (Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

Processing of personal data for the purposes of recruitment of job applicants

The Data Controller shall process, for the purposes of recruitment, the personal data voluntarily provided by the Candidate to the extent to which the personal data have been provided. The Data Controller may process the following Candidate data:

The data is obtained directly from Candidates and/or from third parties providing job search, selection and/or intermediary services (e.g. recruitment agencies, online job search portals, career social networks (e.g. Linkedin) etc.). This data is not passed on to third parties.

Candidates’ data are processed on the basis of the consent expressed by providing their data and/or the Candidate’s request prior to the conclusion of the contract (Article 6(1)(a) and (b) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

What do we do to protect your information?

Personal data is protected against loss, unauthorised use and alteration. We have put in place organisational and technical measures to protect all the information we collect for the purposes of providing our services. We remind you that while we take reasonable steps to protect your information, no website, online transaction, computer system or wireless connection is completely secure.

The Data Controller applies different retention periods for Personal Data in accordance with the requirements of legal acts and taking into account the purposes of the processing of Personal Data.
Exceptions to retention periods may be made to the extent that they do not prejudice the rights of Data Subjects and comply with legal requirements.

At the end of the time limits, if they have not been extended, the data will be destroyed in such a way that they cannot be reproduced.

Your rights

The data subject whose data are processed in the course of the Data Controller’s activities has the following rights:

The Data Subject shall have the right to submit any request or instruction related to the processing of personal data to the Data Controller in writing in one of the following ways: by submitting it directly to the following address: UAB Storex Structures LIETUVA, Vana-papli tee 2, Lemmatsi Kambja vald, Tartumaa 61704 Estonia paštu:

The controller shall respond to such a request or instruction and shall carry out or refuse to carry out the actions specified in the request within one month of the request. If necessary, the period may be extended by a further two months, depending on the complexity and number of requests. In this case, the Data Controller shall inform the Data Subject of such extension within one month of receipt of the request, together with the reasons for the delay.

The Data Controller may refuse to allow data subjects to exercise the rights listed above, except for the refusal to process personal data by direct marketing, where, in cases provided for by law, it is necessary to ensure the prevention, investigation, and detection of crimes, breaches of professional or professional ethics, as well as the protection of the rights and freedoms of the data subject or other persons.

Third party websites, services and products on our website

The Data Controller’s Website may contain third-party banners, links to their websites and services that are not under the Data Controller’s control, such as a link to the Data Controller’s Facebook profile, Etsy, Amazon, Pinterest, Instagram, Issuu, Linkedin platforms. The Data Controller is not responsible for the security and privacy of information collected by third parties. You must read the privacy statements that apply to the third-party websites and services that you use.

If you have provided your details via Facebook, we understand that you consent to the use of the contact telephone number and email address provided. We can contact you by email to provide you with service offers.

Final provisions

Amendments or changes to the Privacy Policy shall come into force from the date of their publication on the Website. When, after the addition or modification of the Privacy Policy, the Data Subject uses the Website and/or the services provided by the Data Controller, it shall be deemed that the Data Subject does not object to such additions and/or modifications.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the information contained in this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us in any way that is convenient for you:
Phone: +372 55 02 345
Postal address: Vana-papli tee 2, Lemmatsi Kambja vald, Tartumaa 61704 Estonia
Updated 03.04.2024

Cookie Policy

When you visit our website, we want to provide you with content and features that are tailored to your needs. This requires the use of cookies. These are small pieces of information that are automatically created when you browse a website and are stored on your computer or other terminal device. They help us to recognise you as a previous visitor to a particular website, to keep a record of your visit history and to tailor content accordingly. Cookies also help to ensure the smooth running of websites, to monitor the duration and frequency of visits to websites, and to collect statistical information about the number of visitors to websites. We may store cookies on your device only if they are necessary for the operation of this website. For all other types of cookies, we need your consent. For more information about the processing of your personal data, please see this Privacy Policy.